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Kate Yoak

This is a truly wonderful resource on sleep! As a parent, I've been working on our sleep issues for most of my son's 22 months of life. I've read every one of the books you list and in the end... had to do figure it all out from scratch!

At this point, I feel like a winner and though we still have our ups and downs, I am thrilled with the place we've finally got to. One of the essential components of my method is what I call "Mommy will be back" routine. I'd love for you to read my latest article on the subject in my blog http://parentingis.com/topics/practical-parenting/sleep-solutions/

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The Mother of All Books series (US editions) etc

The Calgary Herald on Mealtime Solutions

  • "An everything-you-ever-need-to-know guide to feeding your baby, toddler and preschooler.... Recipes, meal plans and shopping lists are an added bonus....A directory at the back of the book includes U.S. and Canadian organizations that specialize in everything from breastfeeding to nutrition to child development and more. A 13-page online directory for parenting issues, child development and organization is also a great resource." More