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I agree on all facts of this article. Thank you for sharing this information.


We have a 19-month old toddler who is still waking 2 times/night for a bottle. He goes down around 730-800 (usually very easily) with a bottle/soother/rocking, and wakes usually around 1am, and then one more time, before finally rising at around 630-700. He is still have regular naps 2x/day for a combined total of 2.5-3.0 hours.

I am pregnant again, so the need for quality sleep is going to become really critical.. any suggestions how to handle my night-waking monkey?

Kidco Gate

Thanks for a great site. The information and thought you have put into this is fantastic. I'll bookmark you and return :-)


Thanks for the sleeping tips for moms and their babies.

Sam Nisbett

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  • "An everything-you-ever-need-to-know guide to feeding your baby, toddler and preschooler.... Recipes, meal plans and shopping lists are an added bonus....A directory at the back of the book includes U.S. and Canadian organizations that specialize in everything from breastfeeding to nutrition to child development and more. A 13-page online directory for parenting issues, child development and organization is also a great resource." More