Tonight in Peterborough: Chocolate, Cheese, and Activism
Via OPIRG Peterborough and others
Friday, July 22 · 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Sadleir House
751 George St. N.
The goal of Chocolate, Cheese & Activism is to bring those interested in social justice activism together to explore issues and practices, and following from Part 2 of the series, identify ways to connect, mobilize, and network individuals and groups.
First on the agenda is an introduction to the current work in progress: creating a network/community for all Peterborough activists to be a part of. The idea of the network is sharing of events and information across spectrums. More will be said on this and discussion will be held.
Following this, much like Part 2, issue-based work groups will be formed and hopefully further ideas, practices, etc., results from individual collaboration.
To close the evening... we will keep that a surprise.
After the event is over, everyone is encouraged to gather in a less formal setting to continue conversation, say, at a bar.
Suggested $5-$10 for the wonderful cheese and refreshments, and of course, the chocolate from Naked Chocolate.
Wheel accessible.
Tell your friends; post on your wall.